Barbara A. Palmer


Welcome to the BP Life Coaching Services, LLC product, and services website, where you can find details about and purchase our products and services. Our goal is to inform, inspire, and empower you as you invest your time, financial resources, and life energy into your personal development, which maximizes your overall health and wellbeing.

We believe in the mind-body-spirit connection and that the state of a person’s health in one of those areas impacts the quality of health in the other areas, as well. The aim at BP Life Coaching Services, LLC, is to assist you in your personal and professional growth, including your general health, relationships, vocational satisfaction, and time and money freedom. Whether you choose to purchase and read our books, subscribe to and listen to our podcast, watch or listen to our YouTube Channel, or enroll in our VIP RISE Coaching Program, we are dedicated to helping you become the best version of yourself so you can live a life you truly love.